Deep Tissue Massage
My deep tissue massage is slow paced and detail oriented so that I can very purposefully engage with the muscles to soften and release them. This allows for proper structure, posture and balance to return. My deep tissue massage has a deep connection with the nervous system as I usually spend focused time working along the spine (erectors) and neck and have a good understanding of how the nervous and muscular systems cohabitate in the body. While the work I do is deep it is also very relaxing because of the nervous system focus and slow pace. One of the main keys to the success of my massage is my ability to gauge (through feeling and communication) the amount of pressure that is appropriate so that the client can stay relaxed and receive the deepest muscular work that is necessary and/or beneficial for them. I have worked with many athletes and physically active people who say they get the same or better results and prefer this method to a very aggressive sports massage.
Swedish Massage
My Swedish massage is very slow and relaxing and often combined with energy work and a bit of craniosacral therapy at the end for extra stress relief and relaxation.
Lymphatic Massage
I practice the Vodder Technique of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) which is a gentle and non-invasive specialized massage where light, rhythmical hand movements are used. Skin is very gently manipulated at the surface level to assist lymph flow and aid in drainage of tissue. It is excellent for speeding up the recovery of an injury, infection or cold, reducing edema (swelling), aiding in detox and is also an excellent therapeutic method to rejuvenate beauty and reduce puffiness, fine lines and wrinkles. It is also a great preparation and recovery tool for surgery/procedures. MLD is calming and relaxing to receive and clients often feel a sense of well-being after treatment.
Dr. Vodder noted 60 different ailments and conditions for which this special massage can treat. These include migraine and chronic headaches, constipation, common acne and acne rosacea, tinnitus, eczema, whiplash, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, sinus congestion and tendonitis just to name a few.
Structural Foot Balancing
SFB is a system of balancing the body through the feet. I warm up the legs and glutes and then work with each bone in the foot to decompress and restore proper alignment and spacing. By correcting imbalances in the base of your body (the feet) the rest of the body can regain proper structure and function. This of course includes lots of muscular foot massage which is the feel good part. Foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis, hammertoes, bunions etc can be helped with this method as well as knee, hip and alignment issues.
Integrative Manuel Therapy
IMT treatment techniques are manual (hands-on), and generally involve gentle manipulative techniques to promote tissue repair, normalize structure and restore function. Unique to IMT is the integration of manual therapy techniques for all systems in the body (ie. bone, nerve, fascia, muscle, organ, lymph and circulatory systems). As each tissue type in the body has unique requirements for healing, tissue specific techniques are used to yield optimal results. Often, multiple systems are addressed to facilitate recovery, as a dysfunction in one system may influence or be influenced by a problem in another system. To illustrate, consider a patient with chronic shoulder pain. Upon being assessed, to determine which structures were contributing to their pain and/or dysfunction, treatment would ensue for the affected systems. As determined by the diagnostic findings, this may include treatment for muscles, fascia, joints, bones, nerves, circulatory vessels, lymphatic structures and/or organs. Ultimately, IMT is the integration of techniques to assess and address all systems in the body. This modality is often integrated within a massage session.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of the craniosacral system, this physiological system helps protect and assist the delicate tissues of our nervous system; such as the brain, spinal cord and fine nerve fibres. It is comprised of the bones of the head, spine and face as well as the fascia and more delicate membranes and fluids contained within.
This is a therapy which enhances the body’s own healing abilities. CST in its essence involves gentle manipulations as the therapist both tests for restrictions and “listens” to the quality of the craniosacral rhythm, which the body regulates and maintains in order to feed and nurture our delicate nervous tissues. The forces used are exceedingly light and although the focus is in and around the head and spinal column, the treatment may be applied anywhere on the body.
Everybody can benefit from the effects of CST as it is useful as both a primary treatment method or as part of a treatment program combined with other traditional or complementary techniques. Because of its gentleness and effectiveness many people include CST as a component in their personal wellness programs as a means to assist and support the body as it heals itself and to optimize function of the mind body and spirit.